So, what did you guys do last weekend? I bet whatever it was, it was smarter than taking a 12 hour car trip in one day.
Because, yep, that's what I did this last Saturday. Armed with a blanket (because goodness that car was freezing) and a pair of sunglasses, I journeyed across 6 hours of road to get to Indianapolis. Why? Because GenCon was there, and at GenCon was a very specific book that I needed. Sure, I would be getting this book in two days when my friend arrived back home, but that wasn't nearly soon enough for my very impatient needs. And so, with a few willing friends, I made my way through Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana until we arrived at Indianapolis. (Stopping briefly at Cracker Barrel, because we were all starving, and two of our members hadn't eaten there in their entire lives, and the rest of us couldn't accept that.)
It was really neat going to Indianapolis. It was such a huge city, with such tall buildings! I mean, I've been to Chicago, but it's been quite a few years, and I can hardly remember what it was like there. So this was a very cool experience.
Upon waking from my car nap, I saw the first hint that we were nearing our destination.
I mean, I'm not a big fan of racing cars, but I've lived with fans for long enough that I knew I was very close to reaching my book. They had really cool designs like this throughout a large portion of the city that we drove through. It was really neat.
There were so many interesting things to see. There was a really large monument in the middle of the city that I wanted to take a picture of, but I wasn't able to. I plan to visit again next year though, so I'll be sure to take many more pictures, with a better quality camera next time. All I had on me this year was my ipod, so I apologize for slightly craptastic picture quality!
Over all, it was a really cool experience to be in such a big city with so many interesting buildings and monuments and decorations. I can't wait until next year when I can hopefully explore the city even more.
My boyfriend, who does so hate to have his picture taken, haha! I loved the Marriott building though. It was so pretty. Nothing like that around here!
But I got my book, I got to walk around a pretty city, and I had some delicious Cracker Barrel and Steak and Shake. Over all, it was a great time, and I really enjoyed the trip, even if I was in a car for half of the day! And my friend that I went to see ended up bringing back a present from GenCon!
Goggles! My friends basically decided I should cosplay Chandra from Magic the Gathering next year. We'll see!
Thanks for the memories Indianapolis!
Have you been to Indianapolis? If so, any suggestions for places for me to go next year??
Love you all! ♥

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